LSA PREMIUM FERTILISER 10KG /web/image/product.product/6691/image_1920

Introducing our Premium Fertiliser Blend: a bespoke compound designed to cater to the needs of every type of lawn, from home gardens to sports fields and golf courses. Carefully formulated with both fast and slow-release granules, this fertiliser ensures optimal nutrient absorption for a robust, healthy, and vibrant lawn all year round.

Application Instructions

Our Fertiliser Blend is simple to use. Spread it evenly across the lawn surface using a fertiliser spreader - for which you can follow the manufacturer's settings - or you can apply by hand. An average adult hand holds about 50g of this product. To achieve even coverage when hand-spreading, adopt a smooth motion, walking in a criss-cross pattern. It's essential to water the lawn well immediately after application to avoid any risk of burning.


This professional-grade fertiliser blend is perfect for a variety of lawns, including:

  • Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo
  • Sir Grange
  • TifTuf
  • RTF Fescue
  • Eureka Kikuyu
  • Nullarbor Couch
  • All Lawn Types

Product Specifications

Our fertiliser blend is packed with vital nutrients and trace elements to ensure the health and beauty of your lawn. Here are the specific components:

  • Nitrogen (N) TOTAL: 16%

    • As Ammonium - ENTEC (DMPP): 4.8%

    • As Urea: 11%

    • As Organic: 0.2%

  • Phosphorus (P) TOTAL: 0.7%
    • As Water Insoluble: 0.6%
    • As Citrate Insoluble: 0.1%
  • Potassium (K) TOTAL: 4%

    •  As Chloride: 4%

  • Sulphur (S): 20%

    •  As Sulphate: 20%

  • Calcium (Ca): 1.5%

  • Iron (Fe): 2%

Daisys Garden Supplies Pty Ltd
58.0 AUD
Daisys Garden Supplies Pty Ltd