GIBCO'S LIQUID LIME REPLACEMENT 5L /web/image/product.product/9512/image_1920

GIbco's M.R.F is a chloride free performance admixture for masonry. It replaces traditional lime with an easy to use formula. Gibco's MRF is designed to enhance ordinary cement, turning it into high-quality mortars suitable for masonry applications. Laboratory tests comparing MRF with cement-lime mortars have shown it surpasses them in both plastic and hardened state properties. These tests include:

  • Air content measurement
  • Water retention evaluation
  • Setting time assessment
  • Compressive strength testing
  • Freeze-thaw resistance analysis
  • Sulfate resistance inspection
  • Drying shrinkage examination
  • Autoclave expansion testing
  • Flexural bond strength measurement

The plasticising properties of Gibco's MRF make it a viable substitute for lime, clay, and other plasticizers, leading to significant cost reductions, as 5 liters of it can replace up to 45 bags (900KG) of lime. Regardless of whether you're dealing with block, brick, or stone, MRF is capable of accomplishing the entire task.


  • Prolongs board lifespan and setting duration
  • Creates a uniform gel-like consistency
  • Enhances ease of work
  • Boosts adhesion capabilities
  • Lessens the need for water


  • Offers freeze/thaw resilience
  • Strengthens flexural bond durability
  • Provides protection against permeability
  • Ensures more consistent coloration
  • Delivers higher MPA (Megapascals) values


 The admixture was found to be compliant with the following parameters:

  • Durability - (AS 3700, Appendix E)
  • Bleed Test - (AS 1012.6)
  • Flexural Strength by Bond Wrench - (AS 3700, Appendix D6)
  • Compressive Strength - (AS 1012.8.3, 9)

Gibco MRF Lime Alternative complies with Australian Standards in terms of Bleed test, Compressive Strength, Flexual Strength and Durability (M2, M3, M4 Mortar) when used as instructed.

DIRECTIONS OF USE: 40ml Per 20kg of cement 

Daisys Garden Supplies Pty Ltd
95.0 AUD
Daisys Garden Supplies Pty Ltd